We are hiring highly motivated graduate students (Ph.D. or M.S/Ph.D. program), postdoctoral scholars and visiting scholars with the solid scientific background in one of the following areas: engineering (mechanical, chemical, electrical, optical preferred), physics, chemistry, materials science and biological science. Application through either Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, IT Engineering, AI, I-Bio program is available, please send a full CV via e-mail to Prof. Rho (jsrho@postech.ac.kr) [Detailed information / 학생모집공고 (교내 연구참여 포함)] [연구실 소개 영상 1] [연구실 소개 영상 2] [연구 내용 소개 영상 1] [연구 내용 소개 영상 2] [연구 내용 소개 영상 3] [언론에 소개된 연구실 영상 1 YTN Science @20'22"] [언론에 소개된 연구실 영상 2 YTN Science @6'36"] [언론에 소개된 연구실 영상 3 중앙일보] [언론에 소개된 인터뷰 1 MBC] [언론에 소개된 인터뷰 2 POSTECHIAN] [연구실 비전1] [연구실 비전2] [연구 소개 강의 1 - 경북도 화공 특강]

[Laboratory Introduction and Brief Biography] 

Rho's research group is not only developing a new concept of novel optical nanomaterials having extraordinary and unprecedented eletromagnetic properties based on fundamental physics and experimental studies of deep sub-wavelength light-matter interaction, but also realizing engineering device applications including, but not limited to, super-resolution imaging, negative index materials, tunable/active/reconfigurable metasurfaces, highly efficient light controlling devices, ultra-sensitive biomedical sensors, nanoscale lasers, next-generation displays, VR/AR/XR devices, radiative cooling devices, unconventional nanofabrications, scalable nanomanufacturing methods and deep-learning-based design methodologies.

Prof. Rho is currently a Mu-Eun-Jae (无垠斋) Endowed Chair Professor and Young Distinguished Professor at Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea, with a joint appointment in the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley (2013), M.S. at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2008) and B.S. at Seoul National University, Korea (2007) all in Mechanical Engineering. He also has a degree majoring in English, French, and Chinese at Myungduk Foreign Language High School, Korea. Prior to joining POSTECH, he conducted postdoctoral research in the Materials Sciences Division & Molecular Foundry at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and also worked as a principal investigator (Ugo Fano Fellow - one of the highest honored named fellowships supported by the US Department of Energy) in the Nanoscience and Technology Division & the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory. 

Prof. Rho has authored and co-authored more than 300 high-impact journal papers including Science, Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics and Chemical Reviews. He is also the recipient of several notable honors and awards such as MRS graduate student award (2011), SPIE scholarships in optics and photonics (2011,2012), OSA CLEO Incubic/Milton Chang Award (2013), Samsung Lee Kun-Hee fellowship (2008-2013), US Department of Energy Argonne Named fellowship (2014), Edmund Optics Award (2015), OSK Young Investigator Award (2016), SPIE Rising Researcher Award (2017), Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning Minister's Commendation (2017), Proud POSTECHIAN Award-Research (2018), Korean Ministry of Science and ICT Minister's Commendation (2019), OSA IMCO Young Scientist Award (2019), POSTECH Mu-Eun-Jae Endowed Chair Professorship (2019), Korean Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (2019), OSK Rising Stars 30 (2020), Springer-Nature MINE Young Scientist Award (2020), Elsevier MEE/MNE Young Investigator Award and Lectureship (2020), MDPI Micromachines Young Investigator Award (2020), Member of the Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (2020), Haerim (海林) Photonics Award (2021), POSTECH Young Distinguished Professorship (2021), Proud POSTECHIAN Award-Education (2021), Associate Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea (2022), NAEK Young Engineers Award (2022), Hong Jin-Ki Creator Award (2022), Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellowship (2022), Simpson Fellowship (2022), Eshbach Fellowship (2023), Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (2023, 2024), ACS Nano Lectureship (2024), National Award for Scientists and Engineers of the Month (2024). He is also the editor of Light: Science and Applications (Springer-Nature), Microsystems and Nanoengineering (Springer-Nature), npj Nanophotonics (Springer-Nature), Nanophotonics (De Gruyter), Micro and Nano Engineering (Elsevier), Photonix (Springer), Photonics Insights (SPIE), Advanced Photonics Nexus (SPIE). Frontiers of Optoelectronics (Springer), Frontiers in Nanotechnology (Frontiers), Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing (ASME), Current Optics and Photonics (Optica), Scientific Reports (Springer-Nature) and iScience (Cell Press).

[Recent Group News]


Jaehyuck and Yeseul get married to be the 2nd married couple from Rho's lab, following Dasol and Minkyung


Seokwoo and Seokho  participate in Extreme Sensing and Chirality International Workshop (ESAX 2024) in Cetraro, Italy, and  visit IIT - Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies (Host: Dr. Cristan Ciraci) in Lecce, Italy


Prof. Rho, Chunghwan, Hyunjung, and Eunji visit the School of Optoelectronic Engineering at Beijing Institute of Technology (Host: Prof. Lingling Huang)


Eunji is featured for her lightsail collaboration in MBC TV program 

"인류의 경계확장을 위해 우주로!" [MBC 톡톡 동해인 @22'47"]


Prof. Rho, Gyeongtae, Joohoon, Hongyoon, Jihae, and Cherry participate in the prestigious Gordon Research Conference/Seminar-Plasmonics and Nanophotonics in Newry, Maine, where Prof. Rho gives an invited talk, and others do posters


Prof. Rho receives the prestigious Korean National Award for Scientists and Engineers of the Month [Link @16'00'']

"7월의 과학기술인상에 노준석 포스텍 교수" [서울경제][동아사이언스][조선비즈][세계일보][전자신문][연합뉴스][한겨례][매일경제][헬로디디][뉴스1][아주경제][대한경제][EBN산업경제][데일리안][디지탈타임스][뉴스웍스][이투데이][아시아투데이][이데일리][IPN뉴스][경기북부탑뉴스][이뉴스투데이]

"7월의 과학기술인상에 노준석 포스텍 교수" [YTN Science @16'00']


Prof. Rho comments about open access strategy in Science and Engineering

"오픈액세스 출판 장려로 국내 연구성과 전 세계 확산 지원" [전자신문][연합뉴스][세계일보][경북신문][대경일보][NSP통신][한국대학신문][스쿨iTV]


Prof. Rho receives the prestigious ACS Nano Lectureship [Link]

"노준석 포스텍 교수, 한국인 첫 ACS 나노 렉처십 수상" [조선비즈][동아사이언스][매일경제][세계일보][전자신문][파이낸셜뉴스][파퓰러사이언스][대구신문][대구일보][베리타스알파]


Dong Kyo, Geon, Beomseok and Hyunjung receive the prestigious NRF Ph.D. fellowship (2024.09-2026.08) funded by the Ministry of Education of the Korean government


Gyeongtae's structured light work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Seung-Hwan Baek) is published in Nature Photonics [Link]

"포항공대, AI 기반 메타물질로 360도 구조광 3D센서 구현 성공" [한국경제][동아사이언스][전국매일신문][뉴스1][충청일보][충청뉴스][인공지능신문]


Prof. Rho gives a keynote talk at OVC AI Photonics 2024, and the 262nd SOEI Forum in the School of Optical and Electronic Information at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) (Host: Prof. Cheng Zhang) in Wuhan, China


Rho lab's teacher's day celebration!


Prof. Rho is invited to give a keynote talk at the prestigious Zhongguancun (ZGC) Forum 2024, and gives the Colloquium in the School of Optics and Photonics at Beijing Institute of Technology (Host: Prof. Lingling Huang), Beijing China


Yeseul, Joohoon, Hongyoon, Eunji, and Yujin receive the prestigious Presidential Science fellowship from the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Korean government

"포스텍, '제1기 대학원 대통령과학장학금' 선정" [조선비즈][노컷뉴스][경북도민일보][경북일보][신아일보][프라임경제][공감신문][베리타스알파]


Prof. Rho, Gyeongtae, Seokho, and Nara visit the School of Physics at Peking University (Host: Prof. Renmin Ma), where Prof. Rho gives the 588th Condensed Matter Physics Colloquium


Prof. Rho visits the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, and Chinese University of Hong Kong, with Profs. Xiang Zhang (HKU), John Pendry (Imperial), Che Ting Chen (HKUST), Din Ping Tsai (CityU HK), Jensen Li (HKUST), Nicholas Fang (HKU), Xiaobo Yin (HKU) and more


Joohoon receives the prestigious Wonik Award (a.k.a. NAEK Young Engineers Honor Society Award) from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea

"공학한림원 원익상 수상" [동아사이언스][조선비즈][연합뉴스][매일경제][머니투데이][이뉴스투데이][포스텍뉴스][포스텍ME뉴스]


Prof. Rho is featured in POSTECHIAN news


Hongyoon and Joohoon receive the prestigious Asan Foundation Biomedical Science fellowships


Prof. Rho's "Nanoscale Fabrication and Manufacturing" classes are online in K-MOOC [Preview]

Nanoscale Fabrication and Manufacturing (나노 공정과 생산) [Link]


Dongwoo's 2023 commencement for the doctoral degree


Joohoon (Grand), and Hongyoon (Silver) receive the Award in the 4th POSTECH BK21 Four Research Competition


Rho lab's winter retreat in Gyeongju


Yeseul receives the prestigious Talent Award of Korea from the Ministry of Education [Link] 

"포스텍 김예슬, 2023 대한민국 인재상 수상" [연합뉴스][뉴스1][베리타스알파]


Rho lab's end-of-year party of seeing Mamma Mia! in Busan


Prof. Rho, Byoungsu, Gyeongtae, and Jaekyung participate in Optics and Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC-2023) at National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, Taiwan


Rho lab's alumni reunion and end-of-year party in Seoul


Our metahologram work is selected for the Year's Top 10 Nanotechnology by the Ministry of Science and ICT & the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Korean government [Link @2'40'']

"2023년 10대 나노기술" [동아사이언스][전자신문][헤럴드경제][뉴시스][뉴스1][영남일보][대경일보][뉴데일리][메트로서울][NSP통신][공감신문][베리타스알파][웹이코노미]


Prof. Rho gives an online lecture about scalable manufacturing of optical metasurfaces for KoNTRS e-journal club [Link]


Yeseul, Gyeongtae, Hongyoon, and Joohoon's interview is featured in Donga Science

"[나는1저자다] 과학자와 의사 택하라면 '과학자', 안정적 환경 중요" [동아사이언스]

"R&D예산 삭감, 축적한 역량 무너져" [동아사이언스]


Prof. Rho gives a public talk in Korean Academy of Foreign Study which is featured in YTN Science

"[사이언스 포럼] 공상 과학의 실현, 메타 물질" [YTN사이언스]


Prof. Rho, Jihae, and Eunji visit the NZ Crown Institute for Plant and Food Research in Hamilton and the NZ Crown Institute for Forest Research (Scion) in Rotorua, New Zealand, as a part of Korea-New Zealand collaboration grant


Prof. Rho, Seokho, and Cherry participate in Artificial Intelligence Photonics Workshop and visit Dr. Luis Liz-Marzan at Centro de Investigación Cooperativa en Biomateriales (CIC bioMAGUNE) in Donostia/San Sebastián, Spain


Prof. Rho organizes the International Workshop on Nonlinear Optics and Plasmonics in Lecce, Italy, as a part of Korea-Italy collaboration grant


Joohoon receives the KIDS Award Gold in IMID 2023


Younghwan and Yeseul receive the prestigious SPIE scholarship in Optics and Photonics and the award ceremony will hold in SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, USA where Prof. Rho, Byoungsu, Jaekyung, and Jaebum also attend [Link]

"POSTECH 김예슬·양영환 학생, 美 SPIE 장학생 선정" [뉴시스][경북신문][경북도민일보][경북일보][영남일보][웹이코노미][뉴스프리존]


Prof. Rho is featured as a former recipient of Hong Jin-Ki Creator Award

"‘홍진기 창조인상’ 역대 수상자 살펴보니" [미디어오늘]


Prof. Rho is appointed as an associate editor in npj Nanophotonics [Link]

"노준석 포스텍 교수, 스프링거 네이처 발간 ‘npj 나노포토닉스’ 부편집장 선임" [동아사이언스][전자신문][헤럴드경제][머니투데이][경북일보][신아일보][뉴시스][브레이크뉴스][위키트리][웹이코노미][뉴스프리존][베리타스알파] 


Jaekyung and Junhwa receive the best paper award (silver) and best poster award (silver) in Nano Korea 2023


Prof. Rho's interview is featured in Chosun Biz

"[젊은 두뇌가 뛴다]⑯ 드래곤볼 보며 꿈꾼 과학자의 길 “메타물질로 미래에 도움 주고 싶어”" [조선비즈]


Gyeongtae, Yeseul and Juyeong's LiDAR work is featured as a documentary "Specialists"  in YTN Science

"[기술자들] 빛으로 이끄는 미래 기술" [YTN Science @6'36']


Minsu receives the prestigious Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Fellowship (2023.09-2028.08)


Prof. Rho advances to the finalist of 2023 ACS Nano Lectureship [Link]


Prof. Rho, Jaehyuck, Yeseul, Chihun, Junhwa, Jihae, Jooyeong and Nara participate in MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, USA


Joohoon (1st & POSTECHIAN's Choice), Jaehyuck (2nd) and Byoungsu (Encouragement) receive the Award in the 3rd POSTECH BK21 Four Research Competition


Joohoon and Junhwa receive the prestigious Samsung Humantech Paper Award (Silver) [Link] 

"포스텍 삼성휴먼테크 수상" [뉴시스][브레이크뉴스][대경일보][뉴데일리][위키트리][웹이코노미]


Prof. Rho features an article about future VR/AR technologies in CES 2023

"나노 기술 기반 메타물질 개발로, VR·AR 인터페이스 획기적 개선" [매일경제]


Byoungsu, Trevon, Younghwan, Jaekyung's PVA metasurface work is published in Nature Communications [Link] & Advanced Science [Link] 

"포스텍, 수분감응형 디스플레이 개발" [YTN사이언스][세계일보][경북매일][대경일보][경북일보][뉴데일리][뉴스1][헬로디디][NSP통신][웹이코노미][위키트리][브레이크뉴스][베리타스알파] 


Joohoon receives the prestigious Talent Award of Korea [Link] 

"포스텍 김주훈, 2022 대한민국인재상 수상" [조선에듀][경북일보][베리타스알파]


Junhwa and Joohoon's metahologram work is published in Advanced Science [Link] 

"포스텍, 메타 디스플레이 개발, 차세대 보안 장치·맞춤형 VR 디스플레이 실현 기대" [전자신문][동아사이언스][대경일보][경북매일][경북도민일보][경북신문][신아일보][뉴스프리존][웹이코노미][뉴스1][위키트리][베리타스알파] 


Hongyoon's photoacoustic imaging work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Chulhong Kim) is published in Laser and Photonics Reviews [Link] 

"적혈구 표면 볼 수 있는 ‘광섬유’ 현미경 나왔다!" [조선일보][전자신문][동아사이언스][뉴시스][대경일보][경북매일][경북도민일보][경북신문][매일신문][헬로디디][뉴스프리존][웹이코노미][브레이크뉴스][메디컬투데이][위키트리][베리타스알파] 


Our lab and research work is introduced and featured in Science [Link] 

"The transformation of theory into practice - Turned scientific ideas into reality is just one of POSTECH's superpowers" [Science]


Joohoon and Gyeongtae receive the KIDS Award Gold and Silver, Byoungsu receives the Best Paper Award Silver, and Junhwa receives the Best Poster Award in IMID 2022

"POSTECH, 국제정보디스플레이 학술대회(IMID)서 잇단 수상" [경북일보][EBN][위키트리][베리타스알파]


Jaehyuck and Trevon receive the prestigious SPIE scholarship in Optics and Photonics and the award ceremony will hold in SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, USA (2022.08) [Link]

"POSTECH 학생, 4년 연속 국제광공학회 장학생 선정" [대경일보][경북신문][한국대학신문][웹이코노미][위키트리][브레이크뉴스][베리타스알파]


Jeonghoon's chiral metabeam work is published in Communications Physics [Link] 

"카이랄 구조 이용해 저주파 진동 줄이는 방법 개발" [포항MBC][YTN사이언스][조선일보][전자신문][동아사이언스][서울신문][대경일보][대구신문][경북도민일보][브레이크뉴스][위키트리][웹이코노미][대덕넷][베리타스알파]


Joohoon and Dong Kyo's metahologram printing work is published in Laser and Photonics Reviews [Link] 

"선명한 화질 ‘메타 홀로그램’, 프린팅공정으로 상용화 문턱 넘는다" [헤럴드경제][매일경제][전자신문][뉴시스][경북매일][대경일보][경북일보][경북도민일보][브레이크뉴스][위키트리][[헬로티][대덕넷][베리타스알파] 


Jaehyuck's metalens work in collaboration with LMU (Prof. Stefan Maier), Monash (Dr. Haoran Ren), Jena (Prof. Markus Schmidt) is published in Nature Communications [Link] 

"무색수차 초박막 메타렌즈와 결합한 메타 광섬유 개발" [매일경제][동아사이언스][전자신문][뉴시스][매일신문][대경일보][경북신문][경북도민일보][뉴스1][위키트리][웹이코노미][메디컬투데이][베리타스알파] 


Joohoon's metahologram work is published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces [Link] 

"'메타 홀로그램 이용' 물질의 빛 노출 여부 가려내는 센싱 기술 개발" [포항MBC][헤럴드경제][전자신문][경북신문][대경일보][대구신문][경북도민일보][뉴데일리][신아일보][뉴스1][위키트리][웹이코노미][메디컬투데이][베리타스알파]


Prof. Rho, Gyeongtae and Joohoon are featured in YTN Science 

"[다큐S프라임] 끝날 것 같지 않았던 팬데믹, 우리를 도운 나노기술!" [YTN Science @20'22'']


Prof. Rho receives the Ministry of Science and ICT (과학기술정보통신부) Minister's Commendation for the achievements in Nano Korea 2022

"과학기술정보통신부 장관상, 노준석 포항공대 교수" [전자신문][디지털타임스][신소재경제신문]

"나노연구 교수 3인 '정부 꾸준한 지원 결실, 핵심 기술 부상'" [전자신문]


Prof. Rho receives the Hong Jin-Ki Creator Award from the Joongang Hwadong Cultural Foundation

"제13회 홍진기 창조인상 수상자" [중앙일보][중앙일보2]

"[제13회 홍진기 창조인상 수상자] 10억분의 1m 신세계 열었다, ‘투명망토’ 원천기술 보유자" [중앙일보]

"'창조적 업적 내는 첫걸음' 한국의 창조정신 일깨운 얼굴들" [중앙일보][JTBC][뉴시스]

"[제13회 홍진기 창조인상] 과학기술부문 수상자 노준석 포항공대 화학공학과 교수" [중앙일보 Youtube]

"[특별기획] 제13회 ‘홍진기 창조인상’ 영광의 얼굴(1) | 과학기술부문 노준석 포항공대 교수" [월간중앙][월간중앙2]


Won-Geun and Younghwan's 3D nanoparticle printing work is published in Nano Letters [Link] 

"마이크로피펫 기반 3차원 자기 조립법 개발" [부산일보][부산제일경제][CNB뉴스][한국강사신문][베리타스알파]


Minkyung's topological photonic insulator work is published in Nature Communications [Link] 

"스핀-궤도 결합없는 ‘3차원 위상절연체’ 구현" [헤럴드경제][뉴스1][충청일보][충청뉴스][워크투데이][산업일보][이웃집과학자]


Trevon, Joohoon and Inki's metasurface color work is published in Light: Science and Applications [Link] 

"머리카락 세가닥 두께에서 사진처럼 선명한 컬러 이미지 기술 구현" [매일경제][전자신문][뉴시스][매일신문][대경일보][경북신문][경북도민일보][브레이크뉴스][웹이코노미][대덧넷][베리타스알파]


Yeseul (Northwestern) and Jooyeong (Purdue) receive the NRF US visiting fellowship (2022-2023) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Korean government


Byoungsu and Yeseul receive the prestigious NRF Ph.D. fellowship (2022.06-2024.05) funded by the Ministry of Education of the Korean government


Jungho, Sunae, and Minkyung's 2021 commencement for doctoral degree.


Minkyung, Dasol and Younghwan's spin Hall effect work is published in Nature Communications [Link] 

"더 세고, 더 멀리 스핀하는 적외선 발견...초소형 광학소자로 활용 가능" [전자신문][매일신문][대경일보][대구일보][브레이크뉴스][헬로티][위키트리][베리타스알파]


Geon and Dongwoo's mechanical metamaterials work is published in Communications Physics [Link] 

"메타물질로 압전 소재 효율 높이는 방법 소개" [동아사이언스][전자신문][매일신문][매일신문][경북매일][이넷뉴스][웹이코노미][베리타스알파]


Chunghwan and Jaehyuck's chitosan sensor work is published in Science Advances [Link] 

"습도 감지 1만배 빠른 장수풍뎅이 센서" [조선일보][YTN사이언스][KBS 뉴스][동아사이언스][전자신문][뉴시스][경북일보][대경일보][경북도민일보][NSP통신][뉴스1][브레이크뉴스][웹이코노미][베리타스알파][위키트리][헬로디디]


Prof. Rho receives the Young Engineer Award from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea

"제26회 한국공학한림원 대상, 젊은공학인상 수상자" [SBS/TBC 뉴스][동아일보][조선일보][중앙일보][한겨례][연합뉴스][동아사이언스][서울경제][매일경제][한국경제][전자신문][아이뉴스24][브릿지경제][에너지경제][디지털타임스][이데일리][헬로디디]


Joohoon's metahologram work is published in ACS Nano [Link] 

"자외선·가시광선 동시 작동하는 위변조 방지 장치 개발" [YTN사이언스][매일경제][전자신문][시사뉴스][뉴시스][대경일보][경북매일][경북신문][경북일보][경북도민일보][신아일보][NSP통신][뉴스1][브레이크뉴스][헬로티][위키트리][웹이코노미][베리타스알파][테크월드][헬로디디]


Sunae (GSAI) and Minkyung (ME) receive the prestigious presidential Sejong science fellowships (2022-2027) from the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Korean government 


Sunae (GSAI) and Minkyung (ME) receive the prestigious PIURI (POSTECH Initiative for fostering Unicorn of Research & Innovation) fellowships (2022-2024) (declined for the presidential Sejong science fellowships)


Prof. Rho's story is featured in MK Business

"'35억 연봉' 구글 제안 단칼에 거절한 과학자" [매일경제-네이버][매일경제-다음][매일경제]


Our group runs the Korea-France Remote Lectureship on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics


Our metahologram work is selected for the Year's Top 10 Nanotechnology by the Ministry of Science and ICT & the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of the Korean government  

"2021년 10대 나노기술" [정책브리핑][한국경제][데일리안][아이뉴스24][뉴시스][지디넷][EBN][테크월드][대한뉴스][KSP뉴스][신소재경제][에코미디어]


Chunghwan, Gyeongtae, Minsu and Jaehyuck's optically variable devices work is published in Chemical Reviews [Link] with featured in Chemical Reviews Highlight [Link] 

"POSTECH 연구팀, 빛으로 `위·변조 보안 문제` 잡는다" [전자신문][뉴시스][대경일보][경북신문][경북도민일보][경북일보][베리타스알파]


Prof. Rho organizes and runs the Nobel Prize Dialogue "Dream Big: Being a Scientist beyond Nobel Prize" with Prof. Donna Strickland (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2018) [KAST News]


Our group wins Samsung Science & Research Foundation grant (Lead PI: Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park, UNIST) for single-digit level nanospectroscopy (2021.12 - 2026.11

"삼성미래기술육성사업, 2021년 하반기 지원 과제 22개 선정" [삼성 Newsroom][조선비즈][중앙일보][연합뉴스][연합뉴스2][전자신문][동아사이언스][국민일보][서울경제][한국경제][헤럴드경제][파이낸셜뉴스][뉴시스]


Our group wins $10M grant of the POSCO-POSTECH-RIST (Industry-Academia-Research Institute) Convergence Research Center for Flat Optics and Metaphotonics (2021.08-2031.07) 

Sir John B. Pendry evaluates our center proposal, "The research proposed here is highly visionary. It is still risky to realize the goal, but without such a high risk, novel and remarkable discovery would not happen. I see the full potential of such an extremely interesting and creative research . Prof. Junsuk Rho is an exceptional researcher who always makes innovations, and I strongly support him and the center".


Our group wins Korea-New Zealand collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Jonghyun Choi, NZ Institute for Plant and Food Research) for smart farm sensors funded by National Research Foundation of Korea and the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment of New Zealand (2021.10 - 2024.09) [Link]


Prof. Rho is appointed as an associate editor for Microsystems and Nanoengineering, Springer-Nature

"POSTECH 노준석 교수, 세계적 학술지 ‘마이크로시스템 앤 나노엔지니어링’ 부편집인으로 선임" [시사뉴스][뉴시스][브레이크뉴스][헬로디디][신아일보][대경일보][경북도민일보][경상매일신문][NSP통신][테크월드][한국대학신문][교수신문]


Rho lab's 1st generation of Ph.Ds. are appointed as assistant professors: Dr. Inki Kim in Department of Biophysics at Sungkyunkwan University & Dr. Dasol Lee in Department of Biomedical Engineering at Yonsei University


Jeonghoon and Younghwan receive the Outstanding Presentation Award in PRESM 2021


Prof. Rho is appointed as an editorial advisory board (honorary editor) in Nanophotonics [Link]


Our metahologram works are featured in Donga Science Magazine

"영화에서 보던 '홀로그램' 눈앞에 성큼" [동아사이언스]  


Inki, Jaehyuck and Gyeongtae's metasurface work is published in Nature Commuications [Link] 

"Impenetrable optical OTP security platform" [EurekAlert!]][India Education Diary]

"아무도 뚫을 수 없는 ‘광학 OTP 보안카드’ 나온다" [전자신문][헤럴드경제][시사뉴스][뉴시스][뉴스1][매일신문][대구신문][대경일보][경북일보][경북도민일보][보안뉴스][테크월드][웹이코노미][한국대학신문][인공지능신문][브레이크뉴스]


Inki, Jungho, Yeseul, Jeonghoon's sharp tip work in collaboration with UNIST (Prof. Kyoung-Duck Park) is published in Advanced Functional Materials [Link]

"4만배 밝은 양자광원 만드는 ‘공진-나노현미경’ 개발" [헤럴드경제][헤럴드경제2][아이뉴스24][아시아경제][뉴스1][라이센스뉴스][울산제일일보][울산매일][산업일보][위키트리][이웃집과학자][뉴스웍스]


Dong Kyo and Geon receive the prestigious Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Fellowship (2021.09-2026.08)


Prof. Rho is selected for the outstanding reviewers of Nanoscale Horizons in 2020 [Link]


Minkyung's topological photonics paper in Light: Science and Applications is selected as a top downloaded papers in 2020 [Link]


Prof. Rho is appointed as an associate editor for Light: Science and Applications, Springer-Nature [Link]

"노준석 포스텍 교수, 광학 분야 권위지 빛: 과학과 응용 부편집인 선임" [동아사이언스][전자신문][헤럴드경제][뉴데일리][대경일보][경북도민일보][헬로디디][전자부품][브레이크뉴스][한국대학신문][베리타스알파]


Younghwan receives the prestigious NRF Ph.D. fellowship (2021.06-2023.05) funded by the Ministry of Education of the Korean government


Yeseul receives the prestigious POSTECHIAN fellowship (2021.03-2022.02) 


Inki's LiDAR work in collaboration with CNRS-CRHEA (Dr. Patrice Genevet) is published in Nature Nanotechnology [Link]

"POSTECH introduces LiDAR sensor smaller than thumb" [Korea Herald][Phys.org]

"자율주행차의 눈 '라이다' 나노광학 기술로 손가락 만하게 만든다" [동아사이언스][전자신문][연합뉴스][세계일보][매일경제][서울경제][헤럴드경제][파이낸셜뉴스][시사뉴스][헬로디디][뉴시스][대구신문][대구일보][대경일보][경북도민일보][경북매일][뉴데일리][일요신문][전자부품][정보통신신문][인공지능신문][브레이크뉴스][베리타스알파][보안뉴스][포항MBC][포항MBC 4'27'']


Prof. Rho receives the POSTECH Young Distinguished Professorship (2021.04-2024.03) 

"코로나 시대엔 국경-대학 무의미 ‘메타버시티’에서 함께 공부하자" [동아일보][동아사이언스]


Gwanho's metasurfaces-driven EM simulation software is published in Computer Physics Communications [Link]

"메타물질 설계할 수 있는 최적화된 시뮬레이션 개발, 온라인 무료 배포" [연합뉴스][전자신문][동아사이언스][시사뉴스][아이뉴스24][테크월드][대구신문][대경일보][뉴데일리][브레이크뉴스][베리타스알파]


Our metalens works are featured in media 

"스마트폰에 투명망토 소재가?…일상생활로 들어온 '메타물질'" [매일경제]


Our metaholographic gas sensor work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Young-Ki Kim) is published in Science Advances [Link]

"Wearable sensors that detect gas leaks" [EurekAlert!][Science Daily][Phys.Org][Tech Briefs][OPN News][The Chemical Engineer]

"극미량 가스 탐지하는 초소형 웨어러블 홀로그램 센서 개발" [전자신문][헤럴드경제][시사뉴스][파이낸셜뉴스1][파이낸셜뉴스2][대경일보][경북도민일보][경북일보][대구신문][경상매일신문][뉴시스][테크월드][가스신문][NSP통신][메디컬투데이][뉴데일리][헬로디디][브레이크뉴스][베리타스알파]


Our 3D metamaterials nanoprinting work in collaboration with SNU (Prof. Mansoo Choi) is published in Nature [Link]

"3D 프린팅으로 나노미터 구조물 수천개 동시에 짓는다" [동아사이언스][YTN 뉴스][전자신문][헤럴드경제][이데일리][아이뉴스24][뉴스핌][한국무예신문][일요주간][로봇신문][신소재경제][테크월드][STV][창업일보][한국강사신문] 

"하전된 에어로졸 제트(Aerosol jets)를 통한 3차원 나노프린팅" [Nature Asia]


Our group runs the Korea-Australia Remote Lectureship on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics


Our metahologram research is featured for the "Iron Man" technology

"‘아이언맨’이 현실로? 손가락 터치만으로 홀로그램 조작한다" [한국연구재단 웹진][연구재단 카드뉴스]

"영화 속 '아이언맨' 개발.." [아시아경제]


Dongwoo's acoustic and flexural metasurface works are published in Journal of Applied Physics and Physical Review Applied [Link][Link]

"Silencing vibrations in the ground and sounds underwater" [EurekAlert!][Science Daily][ScienceX]

"음향파와 지진파 제어하는 메타표면 구현" [전자신문][헤럴드경제][시사뉴스][파이낸셜뉴스][대경일보][경북일보][대구일보][대구신문][신아일보][테크월드][뉴데일리][헬로디디][브레이크뉴스][베리타스알파]


Inki receives the prestigious presidential Sejong science fellowship (2021-2026) from the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Korean government 


Dasol receives the prestigious PIURI (POSTECH Initiative for fostering Unicorn of Research & Innovation) fellowship (2021-2023) [Link]


Dongwoo receives the 27th Samsung Humantech Award in Mechanical Engineering


Rho lab's first Ph.D., Dr. Gwanho Yoon is appointed as an assistant professor in Manufacturing Systems and Design Engineering at Seoul National University of Science and Technology


Inki receives the most prestigious Chang Keun-Soo Memorial Award from POSTECH and Minister's Commendation for BK21+ Excellence from the Ministry of Education of the Korean government

"POSTECH 학위수여식: 김인기 장근수상 수상" [뉴시스][일요신문][경북신문][경북일보][대경일보][프라임경북뉴스][신아일보][NSP통신][베리타스알파]


Prof. Rho's "Nanophotonics: Plasmonics and Metamaterials" classes are online in K-MOOC [Preview]

Nanophotonics: Plasmonics and Metamaterials (나노광학: 플라즈모닉스와 메타물질) [Link]


Younghwan and Gwanho's silicon metasurface work is published in Advanced Materials [Link]

"포스텍, 가시광 손실없는 투명한 실리콘 개발" [동아사이언스][전자신문][헤럴드경제][일요신문][대경일보][대구신문][경북도민일보][테크월드][뉴데일리][헬로디디][베리타스알파]


Jeonghyun's 3D metamaterials work in collaboration with CNRS-CRHEA (Dr. Patrice Genevet) is published in Physical Review Letters [Link]

"‘빛’ 제어해 ‘철통 보안’ 달성한다.. 후방 위상 일치형 제2차 조화파 개발" [전자신문][뉴시스][시사뉴스][대경일보][경북일보][대구신문][경북도민일보][테크월드][뉴데일리][신아일보][베리타스알파]


Chunghwan and Younghwan's metasurface work is published in Nanophotonics [Link]

"A display that completely blocks off counterfeits" [EurekAlert!][Nanowerk]

"짝퉁 꼼짝마! 나노 구조로 사실상 복제 불가능한 色 구현" [조선일보][YTN사이언스][전자신문][뉴시스][헤럴드경제][시사뉴스][대경일보][경북일보][경북매일][경북도민일보][NSP통신][뉴데일리][뉴스웍스][폴리뉴스][테크월드][베리타스알파][한국강사신문]


Jaehyuck and Gyeongtae receive the best paper awards in Nano Convergence Conference 2021 [Link]


Our metasurface hologram works are featured in media

"롤러블, 3D 홀로그램, 미래 스마트폰 전쟁 시작됐다" [조선일보] 


A "labcumentary" introduces our Nanoscale Photonics and Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory [Link]

"[랩큐멘터리]투명망토는 마법이 아닌 '과학'입니다" [동아사이언스] 


Gwanho's metalens work in collaboration with Samsung (Dr. Seunghoon Han) and Korea University (Prof. Heon Lee) is published in ACS Nano [Link]

"스마트폰 '카툭튀' 없앤다. 세계서 가장 얇은 ‘0.001㎜ 두께’ 렌즈 개발" [조선비즈][연합뉴스][한겨례][경향신문][서울경제][한국경제1][한국경제2][한국경제3][디지털타임스][헤럴드경제][이투데이][아이뉴스24][뉴시스][아시아경제][머니투데이][파이낸셜뉴스][이데일리][뉴스원][데일리포스트][데일리안][한국면세뉴스][중소기업뉴스][헬로티][뉴스데일리][창업일보][부천타임즈][기계신문][인공지능신문][경인투데이][경남에나뉴스][머니S][세이프타임즈][나노다임][문화저널21][디지털조선]


Dasol's radiative cooling work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Jin Kon Kim) and Korea University (Prof. Heon Lee) is published in Nano Energy [Link]

"Radiative cooler that cools down even under sunlight" [EurekAlert!][Science Daily][Ethical Editor] 

"전기 없이 시원하게, 주간 복사 냉각 기술 개발" [전자신문][뉴시스][헤럴드경제][대경일보][NSP통신][뉴데일리][뉴스웍스][베리타스알파][한국강사신문]


Prof. Rho is elected for a member of Young Korean Academy of Science and Technology (Y-KAST)

"메타물질 관련 혁신적 연구로 '빛의 연금술'을 선보이는 노준석 포스텍 교수.. 한국 과학기술 이끌 차세대 회원 34명 선출" [조선일보][조선비즈][YTN사이언스][동아사이언스][연합뉴스][한국경제][전자신문][뉴시스][이데일리][머니투데이][헬로디디][아이뉴스24][아시아투데이]


Our chiral metamaterial works are featured in media 

"[과학TALK] 기형아 원인 ‘카이랄성’… 화학자들이 약물 부작용 해결 나섰다" [조선비즈] 


Prof. Rho receives the 2020 Micromachines Young Investigator Award from Micromachines, MDPI [Link]

"포스텍 노준석 교수, 마이크로머신이 뽑은 `올해의 신진 연구자상` 수상" [한겨례][연합뉴스][세계일보][전자신문][뉴시스][헤럴드경제][머니투데이][베리타스알파][뉴스웍스][뉴스1][경북신문][대경일보][매일신문][뉴데일리][경북도민일보][대구신문][테크월드][한국강사신문][폴리뉴스][파이낸셜뉴스][오가닉라이프신문][노컷뉴스]


Inki receives the best paper award (2nd place) in the 2020 Next Generation Lithography Conference


Minkyung receives Iksung thesis award, and Inki, Younghwan, Sunae receive the best paper award for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place, respectively, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH


Jaehyuck and Jungho receive the best paper awards (2nd place), each from the Department of Chemical Engineering, POSTECH


Inki's metahologram work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Young-Ki Kim) is published in Advanced Materials [Link]

"영화 '아이언맨' 처럼 손으로 홀로그램 조작한다" [조선비즈][동아사이언스][세계일보][전자신문][디지털타임스][뉴스1][연합뉴스][파이낸셜뉴스][파이낸셜뉴스2][아이뉴스24][워크투데이][충청뉴스][헬스코리아뉴스][뉴시스][이데일리][아시아경제][헤럴드경제][머니투데이][베리타스알파][투데이코리아][뉴스웍스][헬로디디][한국강사신문][경북도민일보][IT비즈뉴스][테크월드][한국강사신문][산업일보][이웃집과학자]


Our group wins Korea-France collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Patrice Genevet, CNRS-CRHEA) for AI-based color filter design funded by National Research Foundation of Korea and Embassy of France in Korea (2020.12 - 2022.11)


Prof. Rho gives a comment for a memorial article about science and technology development achievement by the former Samsung president Lee Kun-Hee

"과학인재 양성하고, 기초과학 상용화 꽃 피웠다. 이건희 회장 '과학사랑'" [이데일리]


Prof. Rho receives the Young Investigator Award from the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry supported by Miwon Commercial


Prof. Rho gives the MINE award talk in iCANX [Link][Direct Replay Link]


Prof. Rho gives a public talk to children in Friday's Science Touch [YTN 사이언스][Youtube 전체영상 링크]


Jaehyuck's OAM metasurface work in collaboration with LMU (Prof. Stefan Maier and Dr. Haoran Ren) is published in Nature Nanotechnology [Link]

"대용량 동영상급 홀로그래픽 저장 장치 개발" [전자신문][뉴시스][대경일보][뉴데일리][경북일보][경북도민일보][테크월드][NSP통신][뉴스웍스][베리타스알파][한국강사신문]


Prof. Rho is elected for an area editor (associate editor) for the Elsevier Journal Micro and Nano Engineering


Prof. Rho is appointed as an adjunct professor in the Department of Creative IT Engineering at POSTECH


Minkyung's topological photonics work and Jungho, Minkyung, Younghwan, Trevon's chirality work are published in Light: Science and Applications [Link][Link]

"POSTECH 노준석 교수팀, 빛 이용한 `연금술`기술 총설 논문 발표" [경북신문TV]

"빛을 이용한 연금술 기술 총망라" [전자신문][동아사이언스][경북일보][경북신문][경북도민일보][테크월드][NSP통신][폴리뉴스][뉴스웍스][베리타스알파]


Gwanho's electromagnetic wave simulation software MAXIM is registered in Korea Copyright Commission [Download Link]


Prof. Rho receives the Excellence Research Award supported by Nano Convergence in Nano Korea 2020


Prof. Rho and Dasol are featured in NRF Basic Science Researchers Interview [Link]


Yeseul receives the prestigious Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Fellowship (2020.09-2025.08)


Prof. Rho's "Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Engineering" classes are online in STAR-MOOC [Link]

Nanoscience and Future Technology I: Fundamentals and Basic Principles (나노과학과 미래기술: 원리와 기초) [Link]

Nanoscience and Future Technology II: Fabrication and Applications (나노과학과 미래기술: 제작과 응용) [Link]


Gwanho's metalens work is published in Nature Communications [Link]

"VR and AR devices at 1/100 the cost and 1/10,000 the thickness in the works" [EurekAlert!][Techxplore]

"초박막 메타렌즈 개발, VR·R기기 가벼워 진다" [YTN 사이언스][전자신문][뉴시스][헤럴드경제][경북신문][경북도민일보][경북매일][베리타스알파] 


Jaehyuck receives the prestigious NRF Ph.D. Fellowship (2019.06-2021.05) funded by the Ministry of Education of the Korean government


Our metamaterials work is featured as a stealth technology

"스텔스 기능 구현 메타물질...'해리포터 투명망토' 현실될까" [이데일리] 


Sunae receives Ruth L. Satter memorial award from POSTECH


Our hyperlens and hologram works are featured in a Mechanical Engineering information center, MERRIC

"[연재 1] 코로나19, 메타물질로 만든 현미경으로 볼 수 있다. (1)" 

"[연재 1] 코로나19, 메타물질로 만든 현미경으로 볼 수 있다. (2)" 

"[연재 2] 홀로그램 기술 분야의 최신 연구동향" 

"[연재 3] 메타물질을 이용한 가상(VR)/증강(AR)현실 연구" 


Prof. Rho's interview about holograms is on a UK magazine The Face  

"How holograms are about to change the world" [The Face] 


Prof. Rho is appointed as an adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence at POSTECH


Prof. Rho receives the OSK Rising Stars 30 award from the Optical Society of Korea

"포항공대 연구자 3인 ‘광학계 미래 유망주’" [뉴시스][뉴스웍스][경북일보][경북신문][경북매일][경북도민일보][대경일보][대구신문][베리타스알파][대학저널] 


Our chiral nanoparticles work is featured as a technology for invisible man

"[씨네마 사이언스] 인간의 은밀한 욕망, 투명인간" [이뉴스투데이] 


Prof. Rho's interview is featured in SNU Almuni Newspaper

"메타물질로 현미경 만들면 코로나19도 잡을 수 있어요" [서울대 총동창회 신문][아시아엔]


Prof. Rho is selected for the top referees of Advanced Optical Materials in 2019 [Link]


Jungho's chiral nanoparticle work in collaboration with SNU (Prof. Ki Tae Nam) is published in Nature Communications [Link]


Prof. Rho is elected for an associate editor for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing


Joohoon receives the prestigious Wonik Award (a.k.a. "Young Engineers Hoor Society Award") from the National Academy of Engineering of Korea