
Prof. Rho receives Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (젊은과학자상(대통령상)) in the engineering group II - Mechanical, Materials, Aerospace, Naval and Industrial Engineering from the Korean Academy Science and Technology

"노준석 교수 젊은 과학자상 수상" [조선일보][대한민국정책브리핑][연합뉴스][동아사이언스][한국경제][뉴시스][한국경제][뉴스웍스][데일리포스트][아이뉴스24][미디어투데이][이데일리][헬로디디][파이낸셜뉴스][브릿지경제][뉴스1][아시아경제][녹색경제신문]


Our group hosts the 4th International Nanophotonics Workshop "Frontiers in Metamaterials and Plasmonics"

 "The 4th POSTECH International Nanophotonics Workshop Webpage" (Click) 


Inki's direction multiplexed metasurface hologram work in collaboration with Information Technology University (Prof. Muhammad Qasim Mehmood) is published in Nanoscale Horizons [Link]


Prof. Rho participates in the 4th Korea-Australia cooperation meeting between the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science of each country [Link]


Dasol's metasurface-based imaging work is published in Applied Physics Letters [Link]

"메타물질 활용해 나노미터 단위 이미지 볼수 있는 기술 개발" [전자신문][세계일보][쿠키뉴스][뉴시스][세계일보][NSP통신][대학저널][베리타스알파][대경일보][뉴스웍스][경북도민일보]


Our group is co-awarded for the Regional Leading Research Center (RLRC) (Director: Prof. Sangwoo Joo, Yeungnam University) funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2019.09 - 2026.02)

"청색기술 적용 '자율형 자동차' 산업 견인" [국민일보][뉴시스][경북매일][매일신문][영남일보][뉴데일리][NSP통신][대학저널][경북도민일보][베리타스알파][일요서울][한국공보뉴스][국제뉴스] 


Prof. Rho features holography technology article in Institute for Basic Science (IBS) Webzine

"SF영화 단골소재인 홀로그램 기술, 어디까지 왔나" [IBS Webzine]  


Prof. Rho wins Korea-France collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Patrice Genevet, CNRS-CRHEA) for AI Photonics funded by National Research Foundation of Korea and Embassy of France in Korea (2019.09 - 2020.08)


Taejoon receives the prestigious Global Ph.D. fellowship from National Research Foundation of Korea (2019.03 - 2024.02)


Jaehyuck receives the prestigious Ph.D. candidate fellowship from National Research Foundation of Korea (2019.09 - 2021.08)


Inki wins the best poster award in the 4th A3 (Korea-Japan-China) Metamaterials Forum, Sapporo, Japan


Gwanho receives the prestigious SPIE scholarship in Optics and Photonics and the award ceremony will hold in SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, USA (2019.08) [Link]

"포항공대 박사과정 윤관호씨, 국제광공학회 장학금" [연합뉴스][국민일보][전자신문][세계일보][뉴시스][영남일보][경북일보]


Jaebum is selected as an educational exchange program for Artificial Intelligence at Carnegie Mellon University, USA (2019.09 - 2020.02) 


Our deep learning work is featured in Donga Science Magazine

"반도체-디스플레이 핵심 소재 국산화, AI가 이끈다" [동아사이언스]  


Gwanho's TiO2 metasurface work is published in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces [Link]


Our group's deep learning works are featured in media

"인공지능이 설계하는 메타물질" [동아사이언스][국민일보][매일경제][전자신문][NSP통신][뉴스웍스][경북도민일보][중앙뉴스라인]

"Artificial intelligence (AI) designs metamaterials used in the invisibility cloak" [EurekAlert - AAAS][Popular Mechanics][Popular Mechanics 2] 


Prof. Rho receives the Rising Stars of Light Nomination Award in the Light Conference (Light 2019), Changchun, China, supported by Light: Science and Applications, Springer-Nature


Prof. Rho receives the Excellence Research Award supported by Nano Convergence in Nano Korea 2020


Our Nature cover article of chiral nanoparticle work is featured in Donga Science Magazine

"자연에 없는 '마법의 물질’을 설계한다" [동아사이언스]  


Prof. Rho receives the OSA Young Scientist Award in the 9th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Optofluidics (IMCO 2019), Hong Kong


Younghwan receives the prestigious Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Fellowship (2019.09-2024.08)


Prof. Rho is appointed as a Mu-Eun-Jae (无垠斋 - the 1st POSTECH President, Ho-Gil Kim's nom de plume) Endowed Chair Associate Professor (2019.06 - 2021.05)


Our group is awarded for the K-CLOUD grant for metamaterials for earthquakes prevention by Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (2019.06 - 2021.05)


Inki's metasurface work is published in Laser and Photonics Reviews [Link]

"VR 장비 '가볍게' 만드는 메타표면 기술 나왔다" [동아사이언스][연합뉴스][전자신문][세계일보][서울신문][뉴시스][매일신문][대경일보][경북일보][헤럴드경제][NSP통신][프라임경북뉴스][베리타스알파][뉴스웍스][대학저널][폴리뉴스][이웃집과학자]


Inki receives the prestigious Carlsberg Foundation Scholarship in the 9th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP9), Copenhagen, Denmark [Link]


Prof. Rho receives the Ministry of Science and ICT (과학기술정보통신부) Minister's Commendation for the achievements in nanostructures fabrication


Prof. Rho receives the distinguished lectureship award from the Chemical Society of Japan, Kobe, Japan 


Jaehyuck's structural color work is published in Advanced Optical Materials [Link] 

"Tunable Metasurfaces" [Advanced Optical Materials Cover Page]

"특정 빛에서만 볼 수 있는 보안 디스플레이 개발" [국민일보][동아사이언스][전자신문][경북신문][대경일보][뉴스웍스][프라임경북뉴스][대학저널][베리타스알파] 


Heonyeong wins the best poster award in the 8th nano-Imprint-Molding-Print Forum (nano-IMP 2019), Daejon, Korea


Our group is awarded for the mid-career researcher grant (type II) for hyperbolic metamaterials by National Research Foundation, Korea (2019.03 - 2024.02)


Our group is awarded for the grant Phase III of Global Frontier Research Center for Advanced Metamaterials (Director: Dr. Hakjoo Lee, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) for metasurface holograms by National Research Foundation, Korea (2019.01 - 2023.08)


Prof. Rho is awarded for the 2018 Proud POSTECHIAN Award (research/engineering)


Jaehyuck receives the best poster award (silver) in ENGE 2018, Jeju, Korea


Jaehyuck receives the best oral presentation award in OSJ-OSA-OSK Joint Symposium on Optics, Tokyo, Japan


Our group is awarded for Korea-Oceania collaborational grant (co-PI: Prof. Stefano Palomba in Physics, University of Sydney) for super-resolution bioimaging by National Research Foundation, Korea (2018.11-2020.10)


Our group is awarded for the extension grant of the X-Project for broadband negative index metamaterials for visible-NIR wavelength (2018.11 - 2019.10)


Inki and Heonyeong's metasurface vortex generation work in collaboration with Information Technology University (Prof. Muhammad Qasim Mehmood) is published in Nanoscale [Link]

"소용돌이빔을 만들어내는 메타렌즈 개발" [전자신문][세계일보][뉴시스][대경일보][경북일보][경북매일][뉴스웍스][베리타스알파][NSP통신]


Inki and Sunae's metasurface absorber work is published in Nanophotonics [Link]


Inki, Gwanho and Jaehyuck's metasurfaces-based display perspective article is published in ACS Photonics [Link] 

"포스텍이 연구중인 미래형 디스플레이 개념도" [뉴시스][뉴시스2][NSP통신][경북도민일보][경북일보][대경일보][이웃집과학자]


Inki and Heonyeong's scrambling metasurface work in collaboration with National University of Singapore (Prof. Cheng-Wei Qiu) and Wuhan University (Prof. Guoxing Zheng) is published in Light: Science and Applications [Link]

"얼굴 인식 핵심 기술 초소형화 성공" [포항KBS][영상Link@9'47"][영상Link@2'17"]

"얼굴인식 핵심 기술 ‘점 구름' 초소형화 성공" [동아사이언스][전자신문][세계일보][뉴시스][대경일보][경북도민일보][영남일보][경북뉴스][베리타스알파][신아일보]


Jungho's diffraction grating simulation program is copyrighted as a registered software in Korea by Korea Copyright Commission


Prof. Rho is appointed as an adjunct professor in Mechanical Engineering at Yonsei University and POSTECH-Yonsei Open Campus Program


Prof. Rho is promoted to Associate Professor


Jungho's perovskite photonic device work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Kilwon Cho) is published in Advanced Functional Materials [Link]


Dasol and Dr. Nguyen's perfect absorber work is published in Scientific Reports [Link]


Prof. Rho serves the general co-chair for the 3rd A3 (Korea/Japan/China) Metamaterials Forum at POSTECH, August, 2018

 "The 3rd A3 (Korea-Japan-China) Metamaterials Forum Web page" (Click) 


Dongwoo receives the prestigious Global Ph.D. fellowship from National Research Foundation of Korea (2018.03 - 2023.02)


Prof. Rho, Dasol, Jeonghyun, Sanghun and Taejun attend the 40th Progress in Electromagnetics Symposium (PIERS) in Toyama (2018.08.01-2018.08.04)


Gwanho's crypto-display work is published in ACS Nano [Link]

"홀로그램·디스플레이 동시 구현 첫 성공" [대구MBC][포항MBC]

"레이저 비추면 드러나는 보안 디스플레이 개발" [전자신문][동아사이언스][세계일보][뉴시스][뉴스웍스][대경일보][경북도민일보][NSP통신][베리타스알파]


Our group's metamaterials research demonstration in Nano Korea 2018 (KINTEX, Ilsan) is featured on Channel A TV 

"영화 속 ‘투명망토’ 현실로 성큼…10년 후 가능?" [채널A]


Dr. Sajedian receives the best poster award in Nano Korea 2018, Ilsan, Korea


Our group is awarded for Korea-China collaborational grant (co-PI: Prof. Renmin Ma in Physics, Peking University) for PT symmetry laser by National Research Foundation, Korea and National Natural Science Foundation, China (2018.07-2020.06)


Prof. Rho lab's metamaterials hologram work is awarded as an excellent research achievement of 2017


Prof. Rho's interview about metamaterials is on MK Business News 

"영화 속 이야긴줄 알았는데 투명 망토 상용화 머지않아" [매일경제]


Our group is co-awarded for the Future Materials Discovery grant (PI: Heon Lee, Korea University) for zero-energy radiative cooling materials funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2018.07 - 2023.12)


Jungho's plasmonics work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Jin Kon Kim) is published in NPG Asia Materials [Link]

"Multiple electromagnetic responses from accordion-like plasmonic nanorods" [Nanowerk]

"나노 아코디언으로 ‘투명망토’ 더 간단히 만든다" [세계일보][전자신문][뉴시스][대경일보][경북매일][뉴스웍스][베리타스알파][경안일보]


Gwanho's metasurface hologram work is published in ACS Photonics [Link][Main page featured article]

"포스텍, 다결정 실리콘 활용해 투명망토 핵심 기술 개발" [전자신문][대경일보][경북도민일보][베리타스알파]

"블랙팬서, 비브라늄 슈트의 비밀" [동아사이언스]


Prof. Rho is elected for an associate editor for a Springer-Nature journal Nano Convergence


Jungho's SERS work in collaboration with POSTECH (Prof. Kimoon Kim) is published in Journal of the American Chemical Society [Link]

"생로병사 비밀 풀 단분자 관찰 플랫폼 개발" [전자신문][세계일보][머니투데이][베리타스알파][NSP통신][프라임경북뉴스][대경일보]


Prof. Rho wins Korea-Japan collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Takuo Tanaka, RIKEN) for nanofabrication funded by National Research Foundation, Korea and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan (2018.04 - 2020.03)


Gwanho's metasurface hologram work in collaboration with SNU (Prof. Byoungho Lee) is published in Nanoscale [Link]

"고해상도·광시야각 홀로그램 재생 소자 개발" [연합뉴스][디지탈타임스][파이낸셜뉴스][대학저널][베리타스알파][비즈트리뷴][한국대학신문][신소재경제신문]


Jaehyuck wins the best poster award in the 7th nano-Imprint-Molding-Print Forum (nano-IMP 2018), Seoul, Korea


Prof. Rho is on JTBC TV show to comment nanoscience and invisibility cloaking

"SF 영화에서만 보던 '투명망토'가 존재한다(!)" [JTBC 밤도깨비]


Our hologram research is featured as a leading example of academic (POSTECH)-industrial (LG Display) collaboration [동아일보]


Our lab is awarded for the Certificate of National Leading Laboratory of Safety Management


Prof. Rho is on YTN Science TV show to discuss smart wear technology including invisibility cloak, wearable devices and 3D printing

"과학을 입다! 스마트 웨어" [YTN Science]


Prof. Rho wins Korea(NRF)-EU(ERC) collaboration grant (co-PI: Prof. Thomas Zentgraf in Physics, University of Paderborn, Germany) as an extension grant of Young Investigator Award (2017.11 - 2018.06)


Our group is co-awarded for the initiative grant for the Future Materials Discovery grant (PI: Heon Lee, Korea University) for zero-energy cooling funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2017.12 - 2018.03)


Our group is awarded for the X-Project grant for broadband negative index metamaterials for visible-NIR wavelength (2017.11 - 2018.10)


Inki's metasurface hologram work is published in ACS Nano [Link]

"아주 적은 양의 빛으로 홀로그램 만드는 기술 개발" [YTN 사이언스 TV News][KBS]

"차세대 위조방지용 홀로그램 기술" [연합뉴스][전자신문][경북일보][경북도민일보][대경일보][베리타스알파][신아일보][NSP통신][대학저널][일요신문][영남일보]

"메타 홀로그램 차세대 반사형 디스플레이 기술" [M-Terview]

“武大版超材料全息片研制成功" [Wuhan News]

“双磁共振硅界面: 光学超表面工业应用困局的突破" [Materials News]


Minkyung's optical diode work is published in Advanced Optical Materials [Link] and is selected in the most downloaded articles in September, 2017

“Advanced Optical Materials Top 5 – September 2017" [Advanced Science News]

"빛의 회절·간섭 제어하는 광학 다이오드 개발" [연합뉴스][세계일보][전자신문][뉴시스][국민일보][경북일보][경북매일][대경일보][경북도민일보][신아일보][노컷뉴스][베리타스알파][창업일보] 


Our group is awarded for Strategical Research grant for machine learning-assisted plasmonic nanostructures design funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2017.09-2019.08)


Gwanho receives the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)-Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems/Global Research Award (Mitacs/GRA) fellowship for the exchange research at the University of Toronto (Host: Prof. Joyce Poon in Electrical Engineering), Canada (2018.01 - 2018.04)


Sunae and Minkyung receive the prestigious Global Ph.D. fellowships from National Research Foundation of Korea (2017.03 - 2022.02)


Dongwoo and Jaehyuck receives the prestigious Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Fellowship (2017.09-2022.08)


Prof. Rho serves the general chair with Prof. Said Zouhdi (University of Paris-Sud) and Dr. Hakjoo Lee (Center for Advanced Metamaterials) for the 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META'17) which will be held in Songdo Convensia, Seoul/Incheon, July, 2017

"META'17 Official Website (Click)" [세계일보][경북일보][경북매일][베리타스알파][매일신문][신아일보][대경일보][EBN]


Prof. Rho serves the general chair with Prof. Namkyoo Park (Seoul National University) and Dr. Hakjoo Lee (Center for Advanced Metamaterials) for the META pre-conference workshop in SNU campus, Seoul, July, 2017

"Frontier's Lectures on Metamaterials and Plasmonics Webpage (Click)" 


Prof. Rho receives the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (미래창조과학부) Minister's Commendation for the achievements in hyperlens-based super-resolution imaging

"포스텍 노준석 교수 미래창조과학부 장관 표창" [중앙일보][전자신문][경북일보][디지털타임스][파이낸셜뉴스]


Jaehyuck receives the best poster award in Nano Korea 2017, Ilsan, Korea


Prof. Rho attends the prestigious Gordon Research Conferences - Clusters/Nanostructures at the Moynt Holyoke College, South Hadley in Massachusetts, USA (2017.07.09-2017.07.14)


Prof. Rho is introduced for the super-resolution microscope works in MK Business Newspaper

"'빛의 과학' 광학현미경" [매일경제] 


Dasol visits University of California, San Diego (Host: Prof. Zhaowei Liu) for 2 weeks short-term research exchange supported by BK21+ program of Mechanical Engineering, POSTECH


Prof. Rho interviews about the future of invisibility cloaking and metamaterials in Electronics Newspaper

"노준석 포스텍 교수, '투명망토 15년쯤 뒤 실용화 될 것' " [전자신문]  


Prof. Rho serves the technical program committee (TPC) in one of the prestigious conferences, CLEO 2018 which will be held in San Jose, May, 2018 


Prof. Rho wins Korea-Thailand collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Nitipat Ong Pholchai, King Mongkut's University of Technology in North Bangkok) for single quantum dot controlling funded by National Research Foundation, Korea and National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) (2017.06 - 2017.11)


Inki receives the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)-German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fellowship for the exchange research at the University of Heidelberg (Host: Prof. Laura Na Liu in Physics) in Germany (2017.07 - 2017.09)


Prof. Rho wins Korea-France collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Patrice Genevet, CNRS-CRHEA) for free-form metasurfaces funded by National Research Foundation, Korea and French National Research Agency (ANR) (2017.05 - 2018.04)


Dasol receives the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)-Ministry of Science and Technology of China & China Science and Technology Exchange Center (MOST/CSTEC) fellowship for the exchange research at Peking University (Host: Prof. Renmin Ma in Physics) in China 


Prof. Rho receives SPIE Rising Researcher Award in the recognition of seminal contribution to the super-resolution imaging in SPIE Defense and Commercial Sensing, Anaheim, USA

"Recognizing 10 Rising Researchers" [SPIE][SPIE Professional][조선일보][연합뉴스][한겨례][경향신문][국민일보] [세계일보][전자신문][뉴시스][경북일보][경북도민일보][신아일보][EBN][NSP통신][베리타스알파][한국대학신문][머니투데이]


Dasol and Minkyung's hyperlens work is published in Scientific Reports [Link]

"초고해상도 '하이퍼렌즈' 대량생산 공정 개발" [연합뉴스][국민일보][전자신문][포항MBC][뉴시스][경북일보][대경일보][경북도민일보][베리타스알파][NSP통신][Phys.org][Science Daily][AZO Nano][AZO Optics][光行天下]


Dr. Niloufar Hosseini wins the prestigious Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) for tunable perfect absorber metadevices funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2017.04 - 2020.03)


Our group hosts the 3rd International Nanophotonics Workshop "Frontiers in Metamaterials and Plasmonics"

 "The 3rd International POSTECH Nanophotonics Workshop Webpage" (Click) 


Prof. Rho is elected to an expert committee member of Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology (PACST) "국가과학기술자문회의 제4기 전문위원" (2017.01.01 - 2017.12.31) [Link] 


Prof. Rho hosts the 1st ERC-RIKEN joint symposium in RIKEN Wako Campus, Tokyo, Japan

 "The 1st RIKEN-nCOMS Joint Symposium & RIKEN Metamaterials Symposium 2016" (Click) 


Minkyung and Sunae's hyperbolic metamaterials work is published in Scientific Reports [Link]


Prof. Rho's total citation is over 1000 times in google citation!

"Junsuk Rho's citation in google scholar" (Click)


Dasol wins the best poster award in nanodevices and processing division in the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Nanotechnology (NANOPIA 2016), Changwon, Korea


Prof. Rho is invited to prestigious the 47th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE-2017) holding in Snowbird, Utah, USA, January, 2017


Our group is awarded for the X-Project grant for virus detectable spraying sensor development (2016.08 - 2018.07)


Our group joins the core-to-core research program for Advanced Nanophotonics supported by Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (PI: Dr. Takuo Tanaka, RIKEN)  (2016.12 - 2021.11)


Inki receives the prestigious Global Ph.D. fellowship from National Research Foundation of Korea (2016.03 - 2021.02)


Our group joins Global Frontier Research Center for Advanced Metamaterials (Director: Dr. Hakjoo Lee, Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) and is co-awarded for the research grant (PI: Prof. Namkyoo Park, Seoul National University) for metamaterials structural design (Phase II: 2016.07 - 2019.02)


Prof. Rho wins Korea (NRF)-EU (ERC) collaboration grant (co-PI: Dr. Patrice Genevet, CNRS-CRHEA, France) as an extension grant of Young Investigator Award (2016.07 - 2018.06)


Minkyung and Sunae visit Imperial College London (Host: Prof. Ortwin Hess in Physics) in United Kingdom for the exchange research (2016.07 - 2016.09)


Prof. Rho, Minkyung and Jungho attend the prestigious Gordon Research Conference - Plasmonics and Nanophotonics at the Sunday River Resort in Maine, USA (2016.07.10-2016.07.15)


Inki receives the best poster award at Nano Korea 2016 where Inki, Dasol, Gwanho, Sunae, Yongjoon present the posters, Seoul, Korea


Gwanho receives the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)-German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) fellowship for the exchange research at the University of Tubingen (Host: Prof. Monika Fleischer in Physics) in Germany (2016.07 - 2016.09)


Our group is awarded for the Leading Core Technology Development grant funded by Agency for Defense Development (ADD), Korea (2016.06 - 2018.05)


Prof. Rho serves the technical program committee (TPC) in one of the prestigious conferences, CLEO 2017 which will be held in San Jose, May, 2017 


Our group hosts the 2nd International Nanophotonics Workshop "Frontiers in Metamaterials and Plasmonics"

"The 2nd International POSTECH Nanophotonics Workshop Webpage" (Click)


Prof. Rho is invited to prestigious Gordon Research Conferences - Plasmonics/Nanophotonics (Maine, USA, July, 2016)


Prof. Rho gives a public talk to children in Friday's Science Touch

"금요일에 과학터치" [국제신문]


Prof. Rho is introduced for his research achievements and vision in Electronics Newspaper

"대한민국 과학자, 노준석 포스텍 교수" [전자신문]


Prof. Rho is selected for the prestigious Young Investigator Award from the Optical Society of Korea (OSK) which is annually given to the most promising young scientist under the age of 35

"노준석 교수, 젊은 광과학자상 수상" [경북일보][대구신문][세계일보][경북도민일보][영남일보][스틸앤메탈뉴스][경상매일신문]


Prof. Rho's switchable chiral metamaterial paper in Nature Communications has been cited 100 times!


Our group is co-awarded for the initiative grant for the Creative Materials Discovery grant (PI: Jongkyu Kim in Materials Science, POSTECH) for 3D hybrid nanostructures funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2015.11 - 2016.04)


Our group participates in the 5th Advanced Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-Optics (AOM 2015) in Hangzhou, China


Prof. Rho comments about the realization of invisibility cloaking in MN Business Newspaper

"투명망토 지금도 만들 수 있지만.." [매일경제]


Our group is awarded for the Edmund Optics Educational "Silver" Award receiving $7,500

"Congratulations to Our 2015 Educational Award Recipients!" [Edmund Optics]

"美 광고등교육경진대회 은상" [경북일보][포항MBC][대경일보][국제i저널]


Our group is co-awarded for the Engineering Research Center (ERC) for the optically-assisted ultrahigh-precision mechanical systems (Director: Prof. Shinil Kang, Yonsei University) funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2015.08 - 2022.02)


Our group hosts the 1st International Nanophotonics Workshop "Frontiers in Metamaterials and Plasmonics"

"The 1st International POSTECH Nanophotonics Workshop Webpage" (Click)


Our group is awarded for Korea-Germany collaborational grant (co-PI: Prof. Thomas Zentgraf in Physics, University of Paderborn) for scalable metamaterials fabrication funded by National Research Foundation, Korea and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Germany (2015.08-2017.07)


Prof. Rho wins the Young Investigator grant for 3D metamaterials funded by National Research Foundation, Korea (2015.07-2018.06)


Our group is awarded for Korea-China collaborational grant (co-PI: prof. Zhenggao Dong in Physics, Southeast University) for 3D metamaterials funded by National Research Foundation, Korea and National Natural Science Foundation, China (2015.07-2017.06)


Our group is awarded for Korea-UK Focal Point program (co-PI: Prof. Shuang Zhang in Physics, University of Birmingham) for advanced materials funded by National Research Foundation, Korea and UK Embassy in Korea (2015.05-2017.04)


Prof. Rho's recent work "Predicting nonlinear properties of metamaterials from the linear response" is published in Nature Materials 

“New Design Tool for Metamaterials” [Berkeley News]


Prof. Rho joins the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Chemical Engineering of Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) as an assistant professor.

2014. 06

Dr. Rho's phonon work is featured in Berkeley Research News.

“Manipulating and Detecting Ultrahigh Frequency Sound Waves”


Dr. Rho's recent work "Ultrafast acousto plasmonic control and sensing in complex nanostructures" is published in Nature Communications.


Dr. Rho serves a panel reviewer on Nanomanufacturing program for National Science Foundation (NSF), Arlington, VA, USA


Dr. Rho interviews about Germanium based metamaterials in a TV documentary show.

"신의 선물, 게르마늄: God's gift, Germanium" [Youtube]


Dr. Rho is introduced in the Argonne NST Division's internal news. "nanoMATTERS"


Dr. Rho's work is featured in the Science Highlights of Department of Energy sponsored research. 

"Putting Light to Work at the Quantum Scale"


Dr. Rho's work is featured in Photonics Spectra.

"Metamaterials observed photonic spin Hall effect"


Dr. Rho's work is introduced in MK Maeil Business News.

"LED 능가하는 광전자소자 기술개발 강력한 `스핀홀 효과` 유도" [매일경제]


Dr. Rho's work is featured in Science Daily, IOP Physics World, Science

"Quantum Computers Coming Soon? Metamaterials Used to Observe Giant Photonic Spin Hall Effect" [Science Daily]

"Putting a new spin on photons" [IOP Physics World]

"this week in Science" [Science]


Dr. Rho's work is introduced in Korea Times.

"투명망토, 바윗돌 가루로도 만들 수 있다" [한국일보]


Dr. Rho's work is introduced in  MK Maeil Business News.

"해리포터의 투명망토, SF만은 아니네" [매일경제]


Dr. Rho's work is featured in Photonics Spectra.

“New class of 3-D optical cavities demonstrated”


Dr. Rho's work is featured in IOP Physics World, LANL News, LBNL News.

“New metamaterial switches handedness on demand” [IOP Physics World]

“Artificial molecules that switch ‘handedness’ at light-speed” [LANL News]

“Metamolecues that switch handedness at light-speed” [LBNL News]


Dr. Rho's work is featured in Korean LED Industry News, Korea Times. Seoul Economic Daily, YTN Yonhap News.

"'세계 최소형 광공진기' 개발" [한국 LED 산업신문]

"나노레이저 시대…'세계 최소형 광공진기' 개발" [한국일보]

"초소형 광공진기 개발- LED·광센서·광통신 등 응용 가능" [서울경제신문]

"나노레이저 시대…'세계 최소형 광공진기' 개발" [YTN 연합뉴스]


Dr. Rho's work is featured in IEEE Spectrum and LBNL News.

“World smallest optical cavities lead to most intense nanolaser beams” [IEEE Spectrum]

“First 3D nanoscale optical cavities from metamaterials” [LBNL News]


Dr. Rho's work is featured in Research Highlights in Nature Photonics.

“Far-field imaging: New dimension for hyperlens”


Dr. Rho's work s introduced in Korea Economic Daily.

"메타물질 활용 '고해상 광학현미경' 개발" [한국경제신문]